Montag, 17. Oktober 2016

You looked at me and saw what I never could see
You made me feel more than I thought I could ever be
And when I needed a friend you were always there to lift me up
To make me strong
You're not gone

You're still here
With me all the time
You're still here
When I close my eyes
I still see you
I still feel you
And we'll never be apart
You're still here
Still here in my heart
In my heart

Because of you I knew how it felt to be loved
You made me feel beautiful 'cause you believed I was
And I will never forget how you touched my life
You made me feel like I belong
You live on

You're still here
With me all the time
You're still here
When I close my eyes
I still see you
I still feel you
And we'll never be apart
You're still here
Still here in my heart
In my heart

All my life
You'll be in my life
You'll be part of me
I'll just think of you and you'll still be
You'll still be here

Still here
You're with me all the time
You'll still be here
Still here
When I close my eyes
I still see you
I still feel you
And we'll never be apart
You're still here in my heart

You're still...
I still feel you
And we'll never be apart
You're still here in my heart
In my heart
In my heart
In my heart
Still here

3 Kommentare:

  1. Liebe Nadine,

    heute sende ich nur mein tiefes Mitgefühl und meine Anteilnahme... Zu traurig bin ich, um die richtigen Wirte zu finden....

    Ich melde mich noch einmal bei Dir, sende Dir eine Umarmung und sehr traurige Grüße


  2. Liebe Nadine, mein aufrichtiges Beileid. Ich bin mit dir traurig und wünsche dir viel Kraft für die kommende schwere Zeit der Leere.

  3. Liebe Nadine,

    auch wir senden Dir liebe und stille Grüße ... in solchen Momenten kann man nicht wirklich helfen. Unsere Gedanken sind bei Dir und auch bei Zingara - mit der Du so viel erleben durftest und die wir hier ein Stück begleiten konnten.

